Copyright 2022 BelSoft Last update 11.05.2022
Support page for KillApps 1.7
Frequently asqued questions: Q: When I execute the Hotkeys sequence, it take few seconds for the panel to appear. Is this normal ? A: Yes, this is because KillApps is processing some operations such as file copy. Q: Which protocol do I need to execute KillApps ? A: TCP-IP but only if the remote file is referenced with UNC syntax (ie: \\server\share\killapps.txt). Q: How can I uninstall KillApps ? A: Insert uninstall=1 in the applications file (ie: killapps.txt) or activate the application on each machine you want the program to be uninstalled then click uninstall button. Q: Should I respect the numbers in yes1, yes2, yes3... ? A: You can have non contuguous numbers if the option ignoreholes=0 (default) (ie: yes1, yes2, yes3 then yes10,yes11...) Q: How can I update the application? A: Place the new file in the shared folder where the application file is located and rename it if needed (if different from killapps.exe). After this, insert update=1 in the applications file. After the applications are updated, deletee this key or set it to 0 (update=0) Q: When I buy licenses with PayPal, how many time should I wait to receive the license code ? A: Usually less than 24 hour. You'll receive it by e-mail Q: When I've registered and received the license code, what do I have to do? A: If the program is still not installed, insert in the section [options] of the ini file these two keys: LicenseName=XXXXX LicenseCode=YYYYY (Where XXXXX and YYYYY must be replaced by your codes) If the program is already installed, insert these two keys in the [common] section of the applications files (killapps.txt)